how to promote your classooka class

The Best Strategies to Promote your Classooka Class

If you haven’t heard of Classooka yet, it’s the newest way to get your own classes in front of a great many potential students, so you can truly begin instructing others. It is considered to be a learning and teaching marketplace, where both instructors and students can find classes of interest to them, or to provide instruction to others who may be seeking it. If you’ve developed a class curriculum that you’d like to bring to the masses, here are some strategies you can use to promote your class to the fullest.

Develop an email list

Believe it or not, email still has the highest return-on-investment of all the marketing channels, and people still prefer it over almost anything else. The way you can develop an email list is to create some lead magnets of your own, for instance case studies, free videos, e-books, and checklists.

Any kind of free content that you can provide people with in exchange for their email will do the trick. Make sure that the content you develop and provide is relevant to your visitors’ interests, and that it does help them out in some way. What you’re after is to bring value to your candidates and make your offer hard to refuse.

Start a podcast

This is a great way to reach a ton of people and get them interested in your course, so they’ll want to sign up. Podcasts are great for people who prefer listening to content as opposed to reading it, and they can also be very convenient while driving to and from work. If you can get a regular podcast going that promotes your Classooka course, you should be able to direct a great deal of traffic to the course, and really get some traction for it.

Promote your class on YouTube

Given the fact that YouTube is the second largest search engine behind Google, you’ll automatically be reaching tremendous numbers of people when you create a course promotion video for YouTube. At least some percentage of the people who see your promotional video will navigate over to your Classooka class, and find it interesting enough to sign up for. This emphasizes the old marketing tactic of placing yourself where your target audience is, in order to reach them and persuade them to carry out an activity of your choosing.

Host a webinar

A webinar is a very interesting platform which allows you to share all the highlights of your Classooka course, so that you will appeal to a great many more students. A webinar is a lot like having a formal meeting with your potential students, and giving them a chance to check out everything about you.

While observing your webinar, students will be paying attention to your teaching manner, the course material itself, your teaching style, and your articulation. A webinar can be an extremely effective way of directing traffic to your classroom course, so that you can appeal to a great many more students.

A recent study determined that only about 54% of new drivers obtain their driver’s license while they’re still in their teens. That means more and more people are waiting to get their license until adulthood. The process will be the same of course, but the older individual is generally somewhat better equipped to handle the pressures associated with learning to drive and managing traffic.

However, even at an older age, it can be an intimidating experience, so it’s a good idea to keep in mind some of the tips below that will help put you more at ease and become a better driver faster.

Eliminate distractions

You should eliminate as many distractions as possible when you’re about to go for a driving session because traffic conditions and your own driving will require your total attention. Make sure to keep your eyes on the road rather than on anything that might be happening within your vehicle.

Also, don’t get into the habit of eating or drinking while you’re driving – these can be saved until you get back home. It’s also not a good idea to include lots of passengers when you’re going for a drive because your passengers will almost certainly vie for your attention at some point during the trip. Finally, leave your phone off to the side somewhere, so that you won’t be tempted to text or to make phone calls.

Give other cars more space

Drive a little slower if you have to, and give the car in front of you plenty of space. You never know when you’ll have to apply your brakes suddenly, and you’ll want that extra buffer space in between cars when you do. When you allow other cars more space between themselves and you, you’ll have a little more time to make driving decisions, and that could be a factor that keeps you safe while driving.

Plan your route

Whenever you set out for a driving session, make sure that you know where you’re going, since that will contribute to your confidence and calmness. If you’re just practicing around the neighborhood this becomes less important, but if you have an actual destination in mind, make sure that you have that destination all mapped out. That way you can proceed directly there without having to figure out your next move while in transit. It’s just one less thing to worry about when you’re behind the wheel.

Take driving lessons

There are lots of benefits to taking driving lessons from a driving school, even if you’re an adult. You’ll obtain all the knowledge you need to be road-ready and to become a good driver. It will also allow you the opportunity to ask any questions you might have prior to taking your final exam. You won’t be sacrificing much of your time when taking driving lessons, and it may be the very best way for you to acquire the driving skills you need.

Take your time

Since you’ve already waited until adulthood to acquire your driver’s license, there’s no real need to rush the process now. Don’t start thinking that you’re behind everyone else because you don’t have your license, because you are in the process of doing that. You’re not falling behind everyone as long as you’re taking steps toward the final goal.

Keep in mind that learning to drive requires a great deal of confidence and patience, and a bit of knowledge as well. By taking a calm and measured approach to your driving practice each session, you’ll become a better driver each time you get behind the wheel, and that will serve you well when you finally obtain your license.

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